Social enterprises
Social enterprises are facing increasing pressure because of rising demand and stagnating public funding. The shortage of skilled labour and rising costs are exacerbating this situation.
In this context, the specialist book ‘Social Real Estate’ was published by NOMOS in 2022, edited by Prof Bernd Halfar. It also contains our article ‘Legal organisation of social real estate’, which was written as part of a substitute professorship held by Dr Joël B. Münch at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt at the editor’s request.
Prof Halfar also initiated the previous conference ‘Economics of Social Real Estate’, which we are following up with our 2024 symposium
On 6 and 7 June 2024, the ‘Eichstätter Fachtagung Ökonomie & Recht der Sozialunternehmen’ will take place at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. The conference follows in the tradition of long-standing Eichstätt conferences and is aimed at decision-makers in the social and property sector.
Under the motto ‘Consolidation of the social economy’, the organisers will present and further develop solutions for burning issues in the social economy together with the speakers and participants.
Click here for the symposium: